Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Maybe Mondays don't end on Monday??? Wednesday, April 10th, 2019

 Maxwell (grandson, 19 months old) at his house in Minnesota last week while we were there babysitting (while his parents went to London on vacation!).
 Wyatt on Saturday enjoying the warmer temperatures at his house.
 Bogie, trying to keep warm today because the furnace broke (again and again and again and again.....), and it's gotten much colder since last Saturday!!!
 The old van John uses to get around when he's at the other end of the road needed work, too.  Sunday when I got home the water heater was under water again because a drain in the basement backed up.  What will happen next?
 Miss Olivia's unicorn hat looks lovely with her art clothes at her preschool yesterday.
 Mr. Wyatt at day care playing outside Monday.
Wyatt enjoying his lunch at day care the other day.


Smudge said...

Oooohh, a vacation in London sounds awesome. Hope all that stuff's fixed and everything's getting back to normal.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Charlee: "That's way too long for a Monday to last."
Chaplin: "We hope you have moved on to at least Tuesday by now!"

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