What a Sunday! We had power until 8:25am, then it was off until 10am. It was on 15 minutes and then off again until 1:15pm! The furnace has not recovered apparently from the on-off cycling and even after an hour of the power being on again it still won't produce heat (but the fan works constantly, even when I turn the thing clear off!).

This cardinal seemed to be looking directly at me and cussing about the weather. Did he think I could do something about it?

Gheez. What a day for the weather guy to get it right! It IS what he predicted. Snow and wind and yucky slush.
YUCKY!!! We are supposed to get some snow but nothing like that, thank goodness! It is April, right?!?
Wow! Snow! I am so jealous! I am sure you would roll your eyes at me, you are probably so sick of winter - but i cant even tell you how much i want to wear a beanie!!
Your power outages sound like paraguay! thanks for living in solidarity!
That little fella is pretty cute! And so big!
I just talked to grandma, said she is headed over for bunny day! I hope you guys have a great time! I will be thinking of you and egg-hunting in spirit!
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