Michelle (Izaac's aunt) got this bag when she bought a pair of shoes at "Steve Madden" at Jordan Creek on Saturday (on sale!! she assured me). After I unpacked the bag (which had Izaac clothes in it when I brought it home), Bogie thought it smelled and looked too interesting just to sniff, so climbed in for a nap. Bogie blends in with the bag so well it's almost hard to see where it ends and he starts!
Izaac taking a nap this morning after a few sneezes. His grandmother thinks he may be getting another cold--yikes. Uncle Johnny creating supper--Cincinnati Chili--and it smells great already!
We're enjoying the frosty day--heavy frost for several days in a row and fog in the morning and at night. It's supposed to be really cold tonight, but we'll be in anyway. later now...
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