After I took Patrick & Bogie's picture, Patrick followed me over to where Ron was laying and had to be in that picture, too.
This is Georgy on the left and Lucy, laying on the cushion in the bay window.
Noel is in her usual 'downstairs' hiding place, the bathroom closet in the laundry basket (filled with cat blankies).
Here's HRH, Queenie, laying in the Prairie Room (because of the view of the Eagles and the Red-tailed Hawk) on her stack of blankets.
Gracie was in the living room laying on the love seat and it looks like she's asking "Why are you taking our pictures now, mom?"
awww they are all so cute in their snuggle spots.
We got a Valentine for you. You can pick it up here:
That is a lot of cat-going-ons. We need to follow more closely we think!
Humans, please visit here more often!
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