Izaac is back at camp for a few days due to his regular afternoon sitters, Aunt Michelle and Grandma Shirley (while mom, Amanda is working) ended up with conflicting schedules this week.
Uncle Johnny took this picture last night with the new camera, and it turned out great.
Izaac and I went to visit Dr. Kobrossy while he was doing his rotation in Webster City today. They all thought he was very cute and LOVED his blue eyes. He had fallen asleep in the warm, sunny car on the way up. He was smiley and polite, but unusually quiet. Dr. K said he is still using me as an example of the person most nauseated with a germ cell tumor!! yuk. I will be seeing him next week. yuk again.
He's been pretty good today considering he got his 6-month shots yesterday morning.
1 comment:
he looks a lil sleepy
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