Izaac is a little nervous about going down slides (the small ones are okay, but anything bigger is scary), so Samantha offered to take him down this one (which wasn't that long or scary, but he just needed some reassurance).
I think the smile says it all!
This is our boat out quite a ways (so it's not a great picture) with Marty in the water after a tumble off the tube while Kim and John and Samntha are safely seated in the boat.
This old car drove up and parked. I have no idea what kind it was, but it was running when they drove in. It was fairly 'rustic' looking (didn't look like it had been restored/updated much).
Mama thinks Izaac is just adorable!! We think he's cute too, but Mama is more into sticky-beans than we are....
We think Izaac's pretty cute, too, but we're biased!!
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